Office of Student Life

Josh W.

Josh is a very sweet kid. He can come off a little bit shy at first, but he quickly warms up and loves playing games and meeting new people, especially OSU students. He loves talking about OSU, sports and telling jokes, and he loves to dance!

Parents Names: David and Lisa Wade

“I have loved my time in BuckeyeThon and am incredibly grateful for getting to spend my time with our kids. Josh is a part of our wonderful group and has a charismatic style. He expresses his love for lacrosse and getting to stay active and outside.”

Favorite Things: Play lacrosse and basketball, Movie nights with family, Robotics

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Food: Fish & Chips

What he wants to be when he grows up: Computer programmer

Favorite Book and Characters: Deadpool

Josh's GI Defect Journey:

Josh's GI Defect Journey: Josh was born with an Underdeveloped Intestinal Tract. At only 36 hours old he had the first of five surgeries to correct his anatomy. He spent the first five months of his life in the NICU. He underwent a reconstructive surgery when he was 10 months old and at 13 months old the doctors closed the colostomy he had been given during his first surgery. A few years later he experienced some complications and had to undergo a second reconstructive surgery. Since then he has only been improving as he remains healthy and active!