Office of Student Life

Miracle Week

BuckeyeThon's Miracle Week is a final fundraising push hosted ~3 weeks before the annual dance marathon event. This year, Miracle Week is also the launch of our Miracle Cup, a tournament pitting color teams against each other in friendly competition to increase our support for our friends at Nationwide Children's Hospital! Throughout the week, there will be numerous opportunities to earn points for your team, so keep an eye on our Instagram for more information! There will also be individual incentives available for fundraising during Miracle Week, which you can see at the graphic to the right!

This year's Miracle Week will be held January 22-26, 2024 and will be a week filled with inspiration, education, and teamwork! Check out the break down below of what's happening each day of Miracle Week:

Monday, January 22: Miracle Week Kickoff

Get ready to push yourself to hit your next miracle milestone, whether it be getting to the $250 minimum to attend the dance marathon, hitting miracle maker status by raising $1000, or beyond! And don't forget about earning points to help your team win this year's Miracle Cup!

Tuesday, January 23: Color Team Tabling!

Join us in the Ohio Union from 1-6pm to learn more about your color team's Champion Kid! Gain some inspiration to motivate your fundraising this week and earn some Miracle Cup points while you're at it.

Wednesday, January 24: Fundraising Push Day

Be on the lookout for a message from your Team Captain on opportunities to work on your fundraising! We want to see everyone not just hit their goals, but exceed them.

Thursday, January 25: Dine-To-Donate Day!

Grab a friend and head to your specific color team dine-to-donate location to help support your team's fundraising efforts (and earn some miracle cup points along the way)! Find out more details on our Instagram (@BuckeyeThon).

Friday, January 26: Miracle Week Wrap-Up

Visit us in the Ohio Union (Suzanne M. Scharer Room) to celebrate your week and grab some milestone incentives for the fundraising you've completed throughout the week.