Office of Student Life


BuckeyeThon's Fundraising Model

BuckeyeThon is a peer-to-peer fundraising organization, through which students fundraise individually and as parts of teams for children treated at Nationwide Children's Hospital in the Hemotogoly, Oncology and Bone & Marrow Transplant Unit. This year BuckeyeThon has set a goal to raise $2 million for the kids. Each year, thousands of students register as Team Members with the mindset to become Miracle Makers and fundraise $1000. BuckeyeThon's success would not be possible without the tireless efforts of its Team Members!

Unsure of how to start fundraising?

BuckeyeThon has put together resources to help you not only become a Miracle Maker, but to exceed that fundraising goal. From the Canning to the Letter Writing Campaigns, there are many opportunities to reach out to your nextwork and ask for donations For The Kids. Check out the Fundraising Resources section to start fundraising today!

 Fundraising Resources

You can also check out some innovative fundraising ideas: 

 Innovative Fundraising Ideas